The journey starts with a single phone call or by filling out our form. Request a personalized consultation with one of our design experts who can help you select the dishwasher that is best for you.
Luxury Appliances
Dishwashers are a cooks best friend and a must in a modern kitchen. Performance is determined by a few critical factors that include overall noise levels, how well it cleans your dishes and it’s ability to dry dishes and plastics.
At Signature Kitchens, we know that few people enjoy cleaning up their kitchen after a big meal. Which if you are one of those people you’re welcome at our place anytime! A high performing dishwasher allows you to spend less time cleaning and more time bonding with your family, friends and guests after a dinner party.

That feeling when you’ve just unloaded the dishwasher and you realize they were still dirty…
- It happened to me just the other nightRefined in its simplicity Panel Ready Dishwashers
When you want the power and technology of an amazing dishwasher, but don’t want to see it (or hear it) a dishwasher with a custom panel that matches your kitchen cabinetry is a must. No high end kitchen is complete with out a paneled dishwasher.
One thing to consider when designing your kitchen is to design it with 2 dishwashers (you’ll thank us later). There’s nothing worse then having a sink full of dirty dishes and a full dishwasher and with 2 dishwashers the likelihood of that happening just went to zero (okay maybe on Thanksgiving).

Classic Looks Stainless Steel Dishwasher
If you love the look of stainless then this option is for you.