The journey starts with a single phone call or by filling out our form. Request a personalized consultation with one of our design experts who can help you select the luxury grill that is best for you.
The Tools of outdoor entertainment
Outdoor Appliances

Stronger by Design Outdoor Rated?
Here are some of the factors that make an outdoor rated appliance ready for the outdoors.
– Weather Resistance: units will be exposed to the elements and need to keep their electrical components safe from water.
– Rust Resistance: a high-level stainless steel is in order here.
– Extra Insulation: it’s a lot hotter in Florida outside than it is inside (at least we hope!).
– Stronger Compressor & Components: they have to work harder to maintain temperature in 95 degree heat.
– UV Protection: UV rays not only damage your skin but damage low quality plastics.

Don’t underestimate the importance of having enough room to work. Grilling is much more relaxing when you are not trying to juggle a whole collection of plates and bowls as you do it. If your grill doesn’t have enough workspace – and they almost never do – set up a table right next to your grill get an outdoor kitchen from Signature Kitchens.
The workhorse of the outdoor kitchen Grills
The centerpiece of your outdoor oasis is the grill. This is the appliance that you’ll use most often (unless of course you get a kegerator!). Whether it be a natural gas burner 56″ mega grill or a Green Egg, the grill is where the magic happens.
High-end grills have a lot more features and capabilities than what you’d find at your standard big-box store, from standards like rotisserie, smoking and griddles to more exotic accessories like fryer inserts and steamer baskets. Don’t forget side burners and power burners — those add-ons can really turn your backyard from simply a grill station to a true outdoor kitchen.
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Stonger by Design Outdoor Refrigerators
An outdoor refrigerator has probably the toughest job of any of the outdoor appliances. It is tasked with keeping drinks ice cold even when temperatures crest 100 degrees, which thankfully doesn’t happen all that often here in Orlando.
Nonetheless, an outdoor refrigerator has to be more powerful and stronger than their indoor cousins. After all, it’s much easier to maintain 35 degrees when the house is a cool 75 degrees versus being in direct sunlight in the middle of summer at high noon.
Because of this increased brawn, the prices of an outdoor refrigerator can be eye popping for some. Rest assured we have a variety of options that can fit most budgets.

Lets get this party started Outdoor Kegerators
Let’s see, I’m sure there’s a math exercise that will prove to your wife that buying a kegerator is the financially responsible thing to do, that this purchase makes all the sense in the world. That the cost of a keg vs. the number of beers results in a net present value ROI over a 5-year depreciation sched…
Back in the real world, if you need to break out your abacus, this picture is probably as close as you’re going to get to calling this backyard brewmaster yours. But hey — it’s a really nice picture, right?